The creation of National network in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The overall objective of the CO-HOST project is to support the realization of mobility projects between EU member states (Portugal, Italy, Bulgaria and Greece) and Western Balkans countries (Bosnia Herzegovina, Kosovo and Albania), aimed at the enhancement of skills and competences of VET learners. The project focuses on the topic of tourism, marketing and hospitality, with a strong emphasis on green and entrepreneurial skills.

One of the key instruments in the successful implementation of the project was creation of the national networks within the Western Balkan Countries. As for Bosnia and Herzegovina, the network includes total 5 schools from the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Unfortunately, due to the political division in our country we were not able to include schools form the Entity of Republic of Srpska, even though they expressed interest.

The network was created in 2023, in accordance with the Work Package 2. Prior to establishing the national network, multiple meetings were organized by BiH partners in the project, with the aim of determining the type of schools to be invited, the text of the invitation, and the duties of each partner. The initial contact with schools was made via formal e-mail explaining the project and the necessity of creation of national network. It was sent to all high schools that have programs for tourism and hospitality. The e-mail was followed by multiple phone calls, since it was more convenient to answer all arising questions and concerns.

The final step in the creation of national network was signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between the partners of the project, Center for Transition and Development of Local Society (CTRL) and Srednja mješovita škola Bihać, and the following participating schools:

  • JU II Srednja škola Cazin
  • JU Srednja ugostiteljsko-turistička škola Sarajevo
  • JU Srednja stručna škola ‘’Džemal Bijedić’’ Goražde
  • JU Srednjoškolski centar Hadžići
  • Mješovita srednja škola Bosanski Petrovac

The Memorandums were signed by all three parties and uploaded in the Basecamp system.

CTRL has thus far organized several online meetings with schools participating in the national network during which we engaged teachers to participate in the online meetings, virtual exchanges and MOOC. CTRL was able to organize with JU Srednja ugostiteljsko-turistička škola Sarajevo active participation of teachers and students from this School in the Virtual Exchange held in May 2024 discussing their personal experiences in the exchange programs.