CO-HOST training opportunities

At the end of February, the CO-HOST partnership launched the 4-month-long MOOC, focused on the topic of quality in mobility and recognition of learning outcomes

In the first module, VET teachers and staff from the Western Balkans have been introduced to the new Erasmus+ programme, with a focus on Key Actions programmes, and have been offered insights into rules and regulations for extra EU countries and visa requirements to enter EU countries. 

Next, the MOOC explores effective preparation strategies for participating in the Erasmus programme, how to find projects and partners, and how to successfully organise a project plan. The MOOC emphasises the importance of having an internalization strategy for VET schools, and offers practical examples of how this should be developed. 

Participants learned how to run a project as a project partner and get prepared for international mobilities and finally were introduced to several EU Quality assurance tools and procedures to be taken into account for the successful recognition of the learning outcomes after a learning/training mobility. 

The CO-HOST MOOC experience has been enriched with synchronous activities and so far three Virtual Exchanges have been implemented:

  • 1st Virtual Exchange on Challenges in EU mobilities, led by Manuel Ribeiro Bacelar;
  • 2nd Virtual Exchange on Good Practices on School Internalization Strategies, led by Fabio Nascimbeni from the ETF Community and Russi Rusev from the National High School in Finance and Business, Bulgaria;
  • 3rd Virtual Exchange where we heard successful stories from an international trainee who took part in an internship in Italy and mobilities experiences from the School of Sarajevo.

The 4th Virtual Exchange will make a deep analysis of the importance of having a Quality framework and a detailed Learning Agreement when organising a mobility project abroad.

165 VET teachers, experts from the field and people interested in the topic registered to the CO-HOST MOOC, coming from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Cameroon, Egypt, Spain, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Morocco, Norway, Portugal, Serbia, Turkey and Kosovo. 

Would you like to know more about our MOOC? Register here

Starting from September, the CO-HOST partnership will organise a set of informative webinars on:

  • Sustainable Tourism and Marketing strategies
  • Valorisation of Cultural and Natural Heritage

Stay tuned for more!

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