Enhancing VET through the National Network: CO-HOST’s Impact on Teaching and Learning

The CO-HOST (Creating Opportunities for VET Mobility in Hospitality and Tourism) project is an ambitious international initiative aimed to support Vocational Education and Training (VET) for WB countries through enhanced cooperation and mobility. University College of Business as a partner on this project, has the role to create national network with the schools working in the fields of hospitality and tourism. Here’s a brief overview of how the national network was created, the schools involved, and how they are supporting teachers on their learning path.

Creation of the National Network

The creation of the National Network for CO-HOST was driven by the need to address the evolving demands of the VET sector. The University College of Business took the lead in this initiative, recognizing the importance of fostering collaboration, resource sharing, and professional development among VET providers. The goal was to build a national inclusive network from VET from different cities in Albania which provide Vocational Education Training. UCB has a large network with different partners and organizations that have their main aim to offer proffesional studies and traninng in vocational area. Since the first months of project implementation (2023) UCB  organized some open sessions to introduce the the content of CO-HOST project and the purpose why we are offering them the possibility to join to this project as an associated partner. We have used different techniques of communiation such as: emails, online meeting, visits in the school in person.  UCB received a pleasant feadback from some high schools operating in different locations in Albania (Tirana, Lezha, Vlora city). Focus group meeting as part of this projct activities was one of the physical meeting we had with all the partners and we got a very good feedback from them to understand what are the real needs, topics where to focus more, knowledges to contribute and other gaps that could be contribute in through this project.

Participating Schools

Several key VET institutions are part of this network, each bringing unique expertise and resources to the collective effort. These schools include:

  1. Shkolla Profesionale Kolin Gjoka, Lezhë
  2. Instituti për Studime dhe Aplikime në Biznes (ISAB), Tiranë
  3. Shkolla Tregtare, Vlorë
  4. Shkolla Teknike Ekonomike, Tiranë

These institutions are known for their specialized programs and commitment to integrating practical, hands-on learning experiences.

Supporting Teachers in the CO-HOST Learning Path

The CO-HOST project, under the guidance of the University College of Business, provides multifaceted support to teachers, ensuring they are well-equipped to deliver high-quality education.  This is an ongoing process during all the project timeline. Also, the school by itself support their teachers by:

Webinars and Workshops: The school encourage teacher to participate in regular virtual exchange sessions led by industry experts and educational technologists focus on innovative teaching methods, integrating technology into the classroom, and staying current with hospitality and tourism trends.

Exchange Programs: The schools have facilitated exchanges allow teachers to gain experience in different educational settings, both within the EU and in Western Balkan countries, enhancing their teaching practices and cultural understanding.

Collaborative Online Community: The network fosters an online community where teachers can share their experiences, challenges, and successes. This collaborative platform not only focus in problem-solving but also sparks innovation as educators learn from each other’s creative approaches and solutions.


The National Network for CO-HOST, led by the University College of Business, is significantly enhancing VET in hospitality and tourism. By connecting schools like Shkolla Profesionale Kolin Gjoka, ISAB, Shkolla Tregtare, and Shkolla Teknike Ekonomike, the network ensures that teachers receive the support they need to excel. Through professional development, mentorship, resource sharing, and international mobility, CO-HOST is setting a new standard for vocational education, ultimately benefiting students and contributing to sustainable socio-economic development.