CO-HOST: The needs of the Western Balkans in the context of modernization in the EU

The CO-HOST consortium (WP2) conducted research and identified the specific needs and problems of Education and Vocational Training (VET) in the Western Balkan countries – Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, and Kosovo-. Education and Vocational Training is important in a state in order to train and educate the workforce train and educate the workforce. The workforce will gain the greatest knowledge through training. Resulting in the development of the country and prosperity. The CO-HOST project focused on Tourism, Marketing and Hospitality with a special emphasis on green skills and sustainability.

The general objective of the CO-HOST project was to support the implementation of mobility projects between EU and Western Balkan countries, while the specific objective was to enhance the skills and competences of Vocational and Educational Training (VET) learners. The Western Balkans are part of the European Enlargement, and the aim is to modernise their system.

The results of the survey showed a lack of innovation and a need for further development in these countries. For example, in Albania, a traineeship and the possibility of keeping the student in employment is provided. The problem, however, is the low wage, which discourages young people from working. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, traineeships in practical occupations are provided, but the duration is short, “20 days”. Finally, in Kosovo, more investment was targeted at agri-tourism, as this type of tourism had not been exploited.

The survey also showed the following needs: a) investment in teaching staff programmes, especially those related to tourism and sustainability, b) restructuring of VET programmes, c) establishing memoranda of understanding between local or regional communities, training centres and private companies, c) enhancing international mobility by putting aside EU and Schengen restrictions, d) continuous training of VET staff.

It is important to optimise working conditions and opportunities in these countries with a view to made the workforce feel valuable and safe in its country. In addition, the programmes provided must be tailored to the actual needs of the labour market. When the objectives of the programmes are achievable, they can be effective. Taking into account technology and its constant progress, students and teachers should be familiarised with it.

However, there are still adaptation difficulties in these countries, which were revealed by the national training needs reports of the three countries. For this reason, the exchange of information, knowledge and experience is essential. The countries have followed the framework of the project developed and provided by ReadLab in the framework of the research – CO-HOST Protocol. Finally, the workforce of the countries mentioned above is aware of the changes that need to be made and is willing to embrace them.