Exploring Sustainable Tourism in Albania: A Students’ Research Project

Exploring Sustainable Tourism in Albania: A Students’ Research Project

 As part of an internship assignment, we had the opportunity to guide two students from Albania in researching sustainable tourism in their home country. The goal was to explore the principles of sustainable tourism, analyse its current state in Albania, and assess its future potential. The students began their research by providing some facts about Albania, defining […]

A Journey of Learning and Cultural Exchange: First Mobility Activity

The first mobility activity of the CO-HOST program provided students from Bosnia and Herzegovina with a unique and enriching experience in Portugal, blending education, culture, and sustainability practices. Over 15 days, the participants were immersed in a diverse range of activities, enhancing their knowledge of Portuguese heritage, sustainable tourism, and local traditions. The program began […]

What’s the latest on sustainable tourism in Europe?

Sustainable tourism in Europe has seen significant growth in recent years, as countries and organizations focus on eco-friendly practices to balance tourism development with environmental and cultural preservation. These initiatives reflect a broader shift towards sustainability in Europe, where tourism is increasingly recognized as a critical sector for both economic growth and environmental preservation.

CO-HOST: The needs of the Western Balkans in the context of modernization in the EU

The CO-HOST consortium (WP2) conducted research and identified the specific needs and problems of Education and Vocational Training (VET) in the Western Balkan countries – Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, and Kosovo-. Education and Vocational Training is important in a state in order to train and educate the workforce train and educate the workforce. The workforce will gain […]

The 3rd project newsletter is out!

In the 3rd Newsletter, you can find news from our project, click here to discover more: https://mailchi.mp/egina.eu/co-host-erasmus-project-3rd-newsletter

CO-HOST training opportunities

At the end of February, the CO-HOST partnership launched the 4-month-long MOOC, focused on the topic of quality in mobility and recognition of learning outcomes.  In the first module, VET teachers and staff from the Western Balkans have been introduced to the new Erasmus+ programme, with a focus on Key Actions programmes, and have been […]

Empowering Schools to go Global

Exploring EU mobility challenges The CO-HOST consortium conducted two key webinars presented as Virtual exchanges, which brought together educators, experts in education and stakeholders to discuss poignant topics regarding European education, mobility and school internationalisation.  The first webinar, „Challenges in EU Mobilities“ was conducted on 29th of March 2024 and featured Mr. Manuel Ribeiro Bacelar […]

The involvement of teachers in the MOOC and virtual exchanges

The CO-HOST (Creating Opportunities for VET Mobility in Hospitality and Tourism) project is aimed to reinforce a greener transition in the tourist sector, enhancing skills and competences of VET learners and to improve and modernize the VET system in WB countries. VET Technical School Korçë, as a partner in this project, after creating the national […]

Докладът за обучителните потребности по проект CO-HOST е вече публикуван!

Консорциумът по проект CO-HOST (WP2) проведе изследване и идентифицира конкретните нужди и проблеми в областта на образованието и професионалното обучение (VET) в страните от Западните Балкани – Албания, Босна и Херцеговина и Косово. Образованието и професионалното обучение са от съществено значение за всяка държава, за да се подготви и образова работната сила. Чрез обучения работещите […]